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Thursday, October 04, 2007

Underwater world - 03 Oct'07

On the 3 Oct 2007, the bunch of LSM 4261 Marine Biology people made a trip down to Underwater World!!! hahaha... and P. Todd made us play treasure hunt-like game in the place lohs.. so dumb rite.. bunch of 20+ year olds running about the place amidst lots of tourists.... but i must say that he's really quite creative and quite smart.. hahaha... and the trip was fun! my first time to underwater world! wahahha.. so sua ku... =P

the tower of fishes~ i see 'dories'!!

going through the iconic tunnel .. with TA explaining about the many fishies swimming about..

big fish! haha..

fish with a bump on the head.. haha.. i'm so not being a proper bio student here.. ok.. i think it's some humphead fish.. i THINK...

shark! eh.. i think this is suppose to be some tiger skin shark..

check out the multiple rows of teeth!! it's so cool!!

"jaws" music playing....

the mermaid... miss dugong munching on her seagrass... haha.. her name is gracie!

this blue spotted fishies lives in the same tank as gracie!


corals + fishies + zooxanthellae + alot alot alot of plankton? haha

see the feathery thingy? it's some wormie...

nautilus... weird looking creatures.. that's a living fossil.. coz it's been around for a long long long long time..

Horse shoe crab! they have blue blood! =)

hmm.. is this the brittlestar... i think so lah.. haha.. lazy to check ..

another one~ =)

paku! huge fish... reallie huge...

this one is like longer than 1.5 m.. it's huge huge huge huge huge! and it lives in freshwater! i have no idea how it manages to grow so HUGE... another living fossil...

coconut crab.. much bigger than the usual crabs we eat.. haha.. it's a false crab..

male fiddler crab with it's huge pincer! they wave it around for courtship display!

marine spider crab.. the japanese found them.. and they live in really deep oceans.. apparently these die very easily in the aquarium... sads... poor thing.. they look like they're dancing coz of their slender legs yea.. =)

grouper that was staring at me... haha

a pretty little jellyfish..

that's all folks!


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