more pics!
ok.. once again.. i'm feeling bored at lecture... falling asleep... so in order to prevent myself from falling asleep.... (this is like a small small seminar room lecture... can't afford to be dozing off under the lecturer's nose !!! )... i decided to post more pics from aussie... haha... coming in batches huh... haha.. =)
here's a little scorpion.. only 1 pincer! so cool...
haha.. blurry pic of a really tiny frog.. it's really tiny.. trust me..
a lovely corgy that we encountered on our way back to the city... =) reallie lovely doggie with nice owners who allowed me to pet their little doggie!!
our bunk in Smith Lake... yucky mattresses!! fear of ticks and mites and every other creepy crawlies!!!
hair trap! ouch... for the little inquisitive mammals..
i love sunsets!
pretty unknown flower.. haha...

this is an inflorescence !! haha...
the swamp... doesn't look like Sungei Buloh right.. it's too erms.. bright! =) MANGROVES ARE NOT DIRTY! ...
shallow waters .. =)
nice rite?? =)
jelly like blob...
this is an inflorescence !! haha...
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