Late night out @ geylang...
Late night out at geylang with hui'en.. diphom.. vivien.. dillon and weiyen mummie! .. haha.. crazy bunch of us were on our way home .. then reached Geylang.. weiyen's place.. and crazy dillon suggested eating beancurd... and the rest of us actually said ok! keeping in mind that we were suppose to catch bus at Bukit Timah.. and it was already 11:30pm... yups.. we're crazy...

the lousy blurry photo that diphom took for the three gals... -_-

diphom and hui'en .... see.. professional photo taken by me!

dillon and disciple! still a good photo.. coz taken by me! =P

two criminals spotted eating beancurd and you tiao @ Geylang at 11:45pm....

the disciple and the SM!
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