
i put this picture as my wallpaper for my handphone.... cute isn't she? but somehow.. today.. as i looked at the picture on my handphone.. i felt sad... a sinking feeling...
i guess the picture reminded me of my desire to work with animals... today.. i shared on two occassions, about how i never wanted to get into life science in NUS.. that i had wanted to do vet science... on both occassions, people weren't really interested ... well.. it's not that i'm bothered that people weren't interested in what i am interested in.. but i guess it made me remember my passion once again...
i know that i'm really blessed... i know that God has blessed me with good results all the while.. and i'm thankful for that.. and it has come to a point where i started to question.. so what now? what do You want me to do with these? what do You want me to do with my life? I know i have to live my life to bring glory and honour to You, but what exactly can i do?
I think i'm tired.. really.. tired of interacting with humans... never knew that it can get so tiring.. i wish i could say that i love working with people.. but i dun... i just wanna work with the animals... i just wanna wander about.. experiencing new things... discovering new stuffs...
i remember weiye once asked me if i'll regret giving up on the scholarship.. i told him no...
it isn't that i've given up.. but i'm not being given the chance to... perhaps it's not what i wanna do as well... i dun really know... i like animals.. i wanna work with them... i wanna study them.. i wanna understand them... but everything just seems so broad... Singapore just seems too small... too limited...
Life isn't just about being happy...
I miss the excitement of a netball match...
I miss the joy of seeing a golden retriever... a husky.. an alaskan malamute.. a schnauzer... a corgy... of hugging them.. of being licked by them...
i miss night cycling... the cool night breeze and the stillness of the night....
i miss exploring different places in Sydney...
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