beautiful sunset that i captured at the track today... reallie wonderful to have such beautiful sunsets... it's a painting from God to me! =)

haha.. after a long long time .. with lots of people nagging at me.. i finally put on my hakama for the first time today.. yups.. and i had like a crowd gathering around me while i was wearing my hakama.. haha.. coz i dunnot how to wear! in the end.. rasco helped me with it.. heh heh.. well.. he also gave me a very very helpful tip! 'nobody's gonna inspect how u wear your hakama! just make sure that it stays on throughout training!" haha.. yups... so with that.. i shall anyhow whack a way to put on that hakama liaos! it's really troublesome ok.. spend so much time wearing it.. spend so much time taking it off.. spend so much time folding it nicely... SO TROUBLESOME.... =S
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