Humans are selfish
"Humans are very selfish" - this thought has been running through my mind for quite some time now...
i guess what sparked it off were those moments when i sat in front of the TV and saw the various commercials that flashed across the screen... the news from around the world etc...
the stark contrast between people in developing countries struggling to earn enough money to fill their stomachs... to have a roof over their heads... and the millions of dollars spent by people in the developed nations for commodities such as clothes, having warm toilet seats, exotic cuisine etc...
"why can't money spent on such mundane stuffs be channeled to help those who are starving, dying from diseases?"
i ask this question often...
i wouldn't say that i'm not selfish.. i'm guilty of such luxuries too... and i struggle with how i can help out.. and even the insignificance of the little help that i can offer...
well.. studying for marine bio exam... currently on the topic of human impact on the ocean...
this paragraph almost brought tears..
" The birds were not actually poisoned, but the high concentrations of chlorinated hydrocarbons in their body fat interfered with reproduction, specifically with the deposition of calcium in their eggshells. The eggshell became so thin that they broke during incubation before chicks became fully developed... Female pelicans sat on broken eggs ..." (Castro and Huber, 2007, Marine Biology, McGraw Hill)
in animal reproduction and development, i was taught that animals invest alot of their energy into reproduction, especially the females. Imagine the confusion and sadness of the female pelican when she realised that the effort and resources that she had put in for the production of this one egg has failed due to the fragility of the eggshell.... it isn't her fault... it is ours.. it is due to the amounts of harmful chemicals that we've released that has led to uncountable tragedies in the animal kingdom...
the little convenience that technology and discoveries have brought into our lives can sometimes be harmful to the unsuspecting and innocent animals of this world...
the next time u wanna throw a plastic bottle into the waste bin.. why not look around for a recycling bin first? the next time u wanna throw those lecture notes into the dustbin.. why not recycle it? and don't accept that plastic bag from the cashier when u can put those items u've just bought, into your bag...
i guess what sparked it off were those moments when i sat in front of the TV and saw the various commercials that flashed across the screen... the news from around the world etc...
the stark contrast between people in developing countries struggling to earn enough money to fill their stomachs... to have a roof over their heads... and the millions of dollars spent by people in the developed nations for commodities such as clothes, having warm toilet seats, exotic cuisine etc...
"why can't money spent on such mundane stuffs be channeled to help those who are starving, dying from diseases?"
i ask this question often...
i wouldn't say that i'm not selfish.. i'm guilty of such luxuries too... and i struggle with how i can help out.. and even the insignificance of the little help that i can offer...
well.. studying for marine bio exam... currently on the topic of human impact on the ocean...
this paragraph almost brought tears..
" The birds were not actually poisoned, but the high concentrations of chlorinated hydrocarbons in their body fat interfered with reproduction, specifically with the deposition of calcium in their eggshells. The eggshell became so thin that they broke during incubation before chicks became fully developed... Female pelicans sat on broken eggs ..." (Castro and Huber, 2007, Marine Biology, McGraw Hill)
in animal reproduction and development, i was taught that animals invest alot of their energy into reproduction, especially the females. Imagine the confusion and sadness of the female pelican when she realised that the effort and resources that she had put in for the production of this one egg has failed due to the fragility of the eggshell.... it isn't her fault... it is ours.. it is due to the amounts of harmful chemicals that we've released that has led to uncountable tragedies in the animal kingdom...
the little convenience that technology and discoveries have brought into our lives can sometimes be harmful to the unsuspecting and innocent animals of this world...
let's stop being selfish... let's attempt to make a small difference?
the next time u wanna throw a plastic bottle into the waste bin.. why not look around for a recycling bin first? the next time u wanna throw those lecture notes into the dustbin.. why not recycle it? and don't accept that plastic bag from the cashier when u can put those items u've just bought, into your bag...
too much damage has been done already.. but take small steps to make a difference.. =)

At 9:32 PM ,
Anonymous said...
hi girl! u changed ur template! anyway i think it's not so much selfishness.. but also a very pragmatic way of life which humans, to some extent, have no control over.
ive also asked people: wouldnt it be good if no one profits from anything, so people everywhere can just travel for free, eat for free, do everything without money, then there wont be poverty etc.
but realistically-speaking, it's kind of tough. but like you said, we can take small steps to help the environment!! =)
At 7:17 AM ,
P i n G said...
haha.. i'm not pushing for communism~~ just wondering how the world would be like if instead of splurging on unnecessary luxuries, we put the money into better use like helping those in developing nations...
and i always believe that we're all given choices.. we choose the way we wanna live our lives.. i guess it's more of whether we dare to live in a different way... =)
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