Comm Retreat at Chariss Methodist Church...

the colourful people.... the sky, the traffic light and the zebra crossing... novelty race... eating the horrible chewy sweet...
water bombs!!!!! bringing Crusade's vision.. mission and purpose to life... haha....
lunch !!! sleeping quarters.. the dance and choir room... me playing with the mirror... kangwei playing piano.. nice!!... someone's dirty feet... my clean feet... d comm working hard at 12+am....
auntie serene goin to da market.... hungry crusaders on the way to breakfast.... yummie kaya toast... porridge... squeaky clean meeting room... worship...
The two birthday boys... sharing of prayer request... praying for the bday boys ... bday boys licking floor for choc.... =P
me... p comm hard at work... "prayer movements everywhere.. so that every crusader will know someone who truly prays without ceasing".. lunch... 3 gals in a bundle... changyao checking results?!?! writing cards... me in samuel's huge slippers... comparing foot size..
the gals... presentation....