Sunday, May 28, 2006
a nice beginning... =)
Strolling along the hdb flats early this morning.. on my way to the market... look what i found...!!

KAWAII NEH????? though i'm quite worried abt the little one....
alright.. haven't posted much.. i know.. i'm lazy... so here's some pics.. haha.. i think my hp cam sux big time.. but i'm too lazy to carry my lumix ard.. hee hee..
check this place out... at Plaza Singapura... beside spotlight.. nice nice.. though the stuffs there are like expensive.. haha.. but it has a real nice ambience....

check this place out... at Plaza Singapura... beside spotlight.. nice nice.. though the stuffs there are like expensive.. haha.. but it has a real nice ambience....

my staff in charge, esther and me!
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Basking in the love of God
hmm... had alot of stuffs that i wanted to blog about.. alot of pictures... silly pictures that i took through the past few months that i wanted to put up... but i just feel like typing away and sharing...
was away for three days.. had Gen 12ii Mission training camp... this camp is totally unlike Meta camp... though we had it at PGP again.. and i stayed in the same block.. though diff room...
it's indeed a really refreshing 3 days for me.. really .. and i'm still basking in the love of God... haha...
i guess through this camp.. through being immersed in the Word of God for 3 days, i've grown in my relationship with God once again...
been reallie disappointed with my Dad's refusal to give me permission to go for my mission trip.. and haven;t really been walking right with God in a way... i kept rushing in and out of the presence of God for the past few months..
Had personal retreat on the 2nd day of the camp.. was reading the article that my staff in charge, Esther prepared for us... about how hurriedness kills relationship with God... looking through the checklist for the hurriedness disease, i ticked almost everything.. and i realised that yah... though i do my quiet time and pray... but i've been rushing in and out of these times.. i haven't been spending quality time with God, i haven't spent time with God in solitude for a long long time...
just spent a long time with God.. and i realised that indeed, i'm loving Him more and more.. how amazing... how wonderfully God answers our prayers..... i prayed for God to teach me how to love Him more 1 month ago.. and i see it being answered now... thank You LORD... =)
not my will but Your will be done... thank you to every single one of you who have been worried about me... who have been praying for me... thank you... don't worry.... i know that if it is God's will for me to go on the trip.. He will break down all the obstacles...
serene.. if you're reading this.. thank you... for being such a caring SM... -huGs- i've really learnt alot from you and i'll continue to keep you in my prayers... continue to trust in God.... He's our Jehovah Jireh ok..? =)
Hui'en... i think you read my blog lah huh.. haha.. thanks gal.. for always being there... for being the buddy who seems to be always going through the same erms... situations as me... i'll never forget my year 2 life in NUS... reallie.. though always complaining about how we see each other so many times per week.. but i reallie appreciated your company and your advice... =D
-poke poke-
one last thing to share.... i just wanna thank God for His love... that is unconditional... i guess as i serve Him through the past year... i've forgotten that God does not need me to serve Him... He doesn't.. that strip away whatever title i'm holding He still loves me just the same.... the reason He calls me to serve is to learn to trust in His faithfulness.. to learn more about Him... and truly to love Him...
was away for three days.. had Gen 12ii Mission training camp... this camp is totally unlike Meta camp... though we had it at PGP again.. and i stayed in the same block.. though diff room...
it's indeed a really refreshing 3 days for me.. really .. and i'm still basking in the love of God... haha...
i guess through this camp.. through being immersed in the Word of God for 3 days, i've grown in my relationship with God once again...
been reallie disappointed with my Dad's refusal to give me permission to go for my mission trip.. and haven;t really been walking right with God in a way... i kept rushing in and out of the presence of God for the past few months..
Had personal retreat on the 2nd day of the camp.. was reading the article that my staff in charge, Esther prepared for us... about how hurriedness kills relationship with God... looking through the checklist for the hurriedness disease, i ticked almost everything.. and i realised that yah... though i do my quiet time and pray... but i've been rushing in and out of these times.. i haven't been spending quality time with God, i haven't spent time with God in solitude for a long long time...
just spent a long time with God.. and i realised that indeed, i'm loving Him more and more.. how amazing... how wonderfully God answers our prayers..... i prayed for God to teach me how to love Him more 1 month ago.. and i see it being answered now... thank You LORD... =)
not my will but Your will be done... thank you to every single one of you who have been worried about me... who have been praying for me... thank you... don't worry.... i know that if it is God's will for me to go on the trip.. He will break down all the obstacles...
serene.. if you're reading this.. thank you... for being such a caring SM... -huGs- i've really learnt alot from you and i'll continue to keep you in my prayers... continue to trust in God.... He's our Jehovah Jireh ok..? =)
Hui'en... i think you read my blog lah huh.. haha.. thanks gal.. for always being there... for being the buddy who seems to be always going through the same erms... situations as me... i'll never forget my year 2 life in NUS... reallie.. though always complaining about how we see each other so many times per week.. but i reallie appreciated your company and your advice... =D
-poke poke-
one last thing to share.... i just wanna thank God for His love... that is unconditional... i guess as i serve Him through the past year... i've forgotten that God does not need me to serve Him... He doesn't.. that strip away whatever title i'm holding He still loves me just the same.... the reason He calls me to serve is to learn to trust in His faithfulness.. to learn more about Him... and truly to love Him...
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
A very cute Prof.....
was checking my email ... looking at all the questions posted by various people regarding LSM 2103 Cell Biology ... when i came to this particular email.... i reallie think that Teo Tian Seng is uber cute.... haha
Your question
What do you mean when you say that apoptosis is active death whilenecrosis is passive death? What is the meaning of active and passive inthis context?
My answer
Apoptosis death is not death by accident. An example of death by accident is when you stand by the road side and a car runs out of control and hit you. You did nothing and your death is rather passive
However if you planned your death then it is more akin to apoptosis. You go to a gun shop and buy a gun and 2 bullets. Then you write your will and you make funeral arrangements and then you take the gun, and shoot yourself. This is no accident. You take an active part in killing yourself. This is apoptosis
For those coming to Life Science in NUS... look forward to meeting Prof Teo bah... he's reallie quite cute... haha... but of course.. there are those lousy lecturers.... and of course lousy TA from a certain land... *ooPs* ...
rolling off~~~~
Your question
What do you mean when you say that apoptosis is active death whilenecrosis is passive death? What is the meaning of active and passive inthis context?
My answer
Apoptosis death is not death by accident. An example of death by accident is when you stand by the road side and a car runs out of control and hit you. You did nothing and your death is rather passive
However if you planned your death then it is more akin to apoptosis. You go to a gun shop and buy a gun and 2 bullets. Then you write your will and you make funeral arrangements and then you take the gun, and shoot yourself. This is no accident. You take an active part in killing yourself. This is apoptosis
For those coming to Life Science in NUS... look forward to meeting Prof Teo bah... he's reallie quite cute... haha... but of course.. there are those lousy lecturers.... and of course lousy TA from a certain land... *ooPs* ...
rolling off~~~~
Monday, May 01, 2006
sighs... i love sch... i love studying... beats working definitely at least.... but i HATE exams.... growls.... i hate writing notes... i hate mugging... i hate spending the entire day mugging and mugging and mugging.. i hate it that i have to miss training coz i dun have enough time to mug... growls.. i hate having my life dictated by the CLOCK! growls....
and this.. is one of the things that exams can do to me... LOOK!! writing till finger pain... gosh.. i finished using 2.5 pens in like less than 5 days?!?! never before phenomenon mans.... quit complaining abt mugging u 'O' levels and 'A' levels lucky kids.... growls... k fine... go ahead... complain.. whine.. blah... coz i did that too at Os and As... but at least that's over for now... growls... 3 more days... FREEDOM!!! wooHoo... *jumPs* *juMps*

Two hours later... the damage increased..... =whines=

oh well.. at least after all these... and having woken up at the unearthly hour of 3:30am this morning.. i conquered Cell signalling, Secretory proteins, organelle biogenesis, cytoskeleton and organelles!!! woHooOoo.... now it's time to eat up apoptosis and cell cycle... growls.... must study must study must study.....
today is May Day!!!! ... day to listen to 五月天's songs!! haha... craps.... i'm going mad... i wanna take the yellow form... i'm mentally unsound... pls give special consideration when marking my paper.... boOs.....
roll roll roll roll roll..... tatas.....
and this.. is one of the things that exams can do to me... LOOK!! writing till finger pain... gosh.. i finished using 2.5 pens in like less than 5 days?!?! never before phenomenon mans.... quit complaining abt mugging u 'O' levels and 'A' levels lucky kids.... growls... k fine... go ahead... complain.. whine.. blah... coz i did that too at Os and As... but at least that's over for now... growls... 3 more days... FREEDOM!!! wooHoo... *jumPs* *juMps*

Two hours later... the damage increased..... =whines=

oh well.. at least after all these... and having woken up at the unearthly hour of 3:30am this morning.. i conquered Cell signalling, Secretory proteins, organelle biogenesis, cytoskeleton and organelles!!! woHooOoo.... now it's time to eat up apoptosis and cell cycle... growls.... must study must study must study.....
today is May Day!!!! ... day to listen to 五月天's songs!! haha... craps.... i'm going mad... i wanna take the yellow form... i'm mentally unsound... pls give special consideration when marking my paper.... boOs.....
roll roll roll roll roll..... tatas.....