Monday, May 28, 2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Everything to me
Avalon - Everything To Me
I grew up in sunday school
I memorized the Golden rule
And how Jesus came to set the sinner free
I know the story inside out
I can tell you all about
The path that led Him up to Calvary
But ask me why He loves me
And I don't know what to say
But i'll never be the same
Because he changed my life when He became...
Everything to me
He's more than a story
more than words on a page of history
He's the air that I breath
The water I thirst for
And the ground beneath my feet
He's everything, everything to me
We're living in uncertain times
And more and more
I find that i'm aware
Of just how fragile life can be
I want to tell the world I found
A love that turned my life around
They need to know that they can taste and see
Now everyday I'm praying
Just to give my heart away
I want live for Jesus
So that someone else might see that he is...
Everything to me
He's more than a story
more than words on a page of history
He's the air that I breath
The water I thirst for
And the ground beneath my feet
He's everything
And looking back over my life at the end
I'll go to meet you saying you've been...
You're everything to me
You're more than a story
More than words on a page of history
You're everything to me
You're more than a story
More than words on a page of history
You're the air that I breath
The water I thirst for
And the ground beneath my feet
You're everything to me
Lord, You're everything to me
My thoughts and reflections
Two weeks ago.. i asked God two questions...
1. Is it right for me to have my own dreams..?
2. What does it mean to be satisfied by God alone?
i struggled for the past two weeks with God.. kept pondering whether it was right for me to have my own dreams.. things i wanna do.. a dream lifestyle that i wanna have and all... at some point of time.. i decided that it wasn't right for me to have such dreams.. coz that would mean that i'm trying to take charge of my life .. taking things and making decisions that will allow me to achieve my dreams.. and putting God out of my life.... it was a struggle .. really.. and at that point of time.. i wanted so much to just shut everything out.. i didn't wanna think about this issue anymore... but God pursued me...
been reading this book "Captivating" by John and Stasi Eldredge.. got it as a gift from Mengjet and Esther last year.. as i neared the end of the book.. God answered my question...
here's an excerpt
What is written on your heart?
As I said earlier, the invitations of Jesus come to us in many ways. Sometimes they come through circumstance, an opportunity that opens before us. Sometimes they come through other people who see something in us that we may not yet see, and they invite us to step forth in some way. But God's invitations ultimately are matters of the heart. They come through our passions , those desires set deep within us. What is it you yearn to see happen - how do you long for the world to be a better place? What makes you so angry you nearly see red? What brings you to tears?
You will find that as God restores your heart and sets you free, you will recover long lost passions, long forsaken dreams. You'll find yourself drawn to some vision for making the world a better place. Those emerging desires are invitations - not to rush out and attempt them immediately. That also is naive. They are invitations to bring your heart to your Lover(Jesus) and ask him to clarify, to deepen, to speak to you about how and when and with whom....
After reading this.. i realised that God isn't someone who doesn't care about my dreams and my emotions.. He cares.. and the passions that He gave me are for a reason....
For the past two Saturdays.. Auntie Cecilia came down to share with us on the theme of Choices Deeds and Consequences.. i didn't really think much about it.. i thought i knew how to make proper choices.. basically.. i went with the just go and listen for additional information kinda attitude.. not expecting anything great....
She shared on two Bible characters.. Joseph and Daniel...
In Genesis 37, Joseph was given two dreams from God.. just two dreams.. two dreams that seem so impossible and absurd even.. given all that he went through for the next few years of his life... but through it all, Joseph held on to the dreams that God gave him and never wavered.. and as we all know.. the dreams came through.. after many many many years... after years of hardship and trials...
In the book of Daniel, Daniel and his four friends did right in the eyes of the Lord, and He affirmed them by granting them favour in the eyes of the steward in charge of them.
it wasn't until a few hours ago.. when i refused to read those journal articles on my bus trips that i started thinking .. reflecting and talking to God about my dreams again...
as i reflected back... i realised that God has been affirming my dreams... =)
ok.. in a way.. i dun really know what exactly my dreams are.. but i know that i wanna work with animals.. they really bring me alot of joy.. just looking at them... and i always wondered if God would grant me this dream since i cannot picture how working with animals would bring Him glory.. as compared to say being a missionary.. social worker and all...
and i guess it was precisely because of such thinking that i've always believed that God will NEVER grant me my dreams.....
but hey.. apparently.. this isn't so...
Entry into NUS (instead of Melbourne Uni) .. made me realised that my real interest isn't that much of stitching up animals.. cleaning their wounds.. vaccinating them .. etc.. He closed the door for Melbourne Uni and Vet science... and gave me Life Science in NUS instead... mind you.. He kept that door closed 3 times in 3 years... -bleahs-
Taking LSM 1103 Biodiversity made me fall in love with Biology... and i decided to change my concentration from Biomedical Sciences to Biology...
Working on UROPS.. "visitors effect on zoo animals" made me realised that i'm interested in how animals behave.... UROPS oral exam made me realised the existence of A/P Li Daiqin.. who specialises in Animal Behaviour ....
And lastly.. my final year project... a gift from God..
He closed the door for working with Dr. Peter Todd... animal and environment interaction...
out of the many people who approached A/P Li for honours project... i managed to get it..
even though i met up with him only 1 week after the exams, when many others had met up with him already...
even though i went into his office that day.. totally unprepared, having no idea what project i wanna proposed..
even though i didn't read up on the many articles that i was suppose to read up on...
and in the midst of my 'anyhow whack a project' he actually got interested in one of them....
do you see God's hand on all of these???
i didn't at first...
but i do now....
and such a revelation just takes my breath away... how amazing.. how sweet... how comforting... it is to know that God has been affirming my interest all these while.. how He led me onto the correct path without me even realising it....
and i guess like what Zhehao said yesterday during our group sharing.. "when you know that God gives you to green light to go ahead.. you can be assured and you'll have peace in your heart.. no matter what situations may come... "
yes.. i have peace... and full of excitement.. ! =)
"Lord, i offer my life"
it's a song that i love and hate at the same time...
that's why i wasn't very erms happy(?).. (dun reallie know what word to use to describe my feelings lah..) when i saw that it was one of the songs for singspiration yesterday.. i didn't wanna sing that song at all...
"wishes and dreams that are yet to come through" all to be offered and surrendered into the hands of God...
i didn't want to.. coz i dun want my dreams to be taken away...
but now.. finally.. i can sing this song with joy.. with thanksgiving... because i know and i trust that the dream that God has for me.. for my life is bigger.. greater... much more fulfilling than the dream that i have for myself.. that's He cares about my passions too.... =)
i know alot of uncertainties lies ahead of me.. but hey.. that's why i need to continue to cling on to God... and trust in His faithfulness and His plan for my life! =)
Thank You God... ! ! ! !
=) =) =) =) =)
1. Is it right for me to have my own dreams..?
2. What does it mean to be satisfied by God alone?
i struggled for the past two weeks with God.. kept pondering whether it was right for me to have my own dreams.. things i wanna do.. a dream lifestyle that i wanna have and all... at some point of time.. i decided that it wasn't right for me to have such dreams.. coz that would mean that i'm trying to take charge of my life .. taking things and making decisions that will allow me to achieve my dreams.. and putting God out of my life.... it was a struggle .. really.. and at that point of time.. i wanted so much to just shut everything out.. i didn't wanna think about this issue anymore... but God pursued me...
been reading this book "Captivating" by John and Stasi Eldredge.. got it as a gift from Mengjet and Esther last year.. as i neared the end of the book.. God answered my question...
here's an excerpt
What is written on your heart?
As I said earlier, the invitations of Jesus come to us in many ways. Sometimes they come through circumstance, an opportunity that opens before us. Sometimes they come through other people who see something in us that we may not yet see, and they invite us to step forth in some way. But God's invitations ultimately are matters of the heart. They come through our passions , those desires set deep within us. What is it you yearn to see happen - how do you long for the world to be a better place? What makes you so angry you nearly see red? What brings you to tears?
You will find that as God restores your heart and sets you free, you will recover long lost passions, long forsaken dreams. You'll find yourself drawn to some vision for making the world a better place. Those emerging desires are invitations - not to rush out and attempt them immediately. That also is naive. They are invitations to bring your heart to your Lover(Jesus) and ask him to clarify, to deepen, to speak to you about how and when and with whom....
After reading this.. i realised that God isn't someone who doesn't care about my dreams and my emotions.. He cares.. and the passions that He gave me are for a reason....
For the past two Saturdays.. Auntie Cecilia came down to share with us on the theme of Choices Deeds and Consequences.. i didn't really think much about it.. i thought i knew how to make proper choices.. basically.. i went with the just go and listen for additional information kinda attitude.. not expecting anything great....
She shared on two Bible characters.. Joseph and Daniel...
In Genesis 37, Joseph was given two dreams from God.. just two dreams.. two dreams that seem so impossible and absurd even.. given all that he went through for the next few years of his life... but through it all, Joseph held on to the dreams that God gave him and never wavered.. and as we all know.. the dreams came through.. after many many many years... after years of hardship and trials...
In the book of Daniel, Daniel and his four friends did right in the eyes of the Lord, and He affirmed them by granting them favour in the eyes of the steward in charge of them.
it wasn't until a few hours ago.. when i refused to read those journal articles on my bus trips that i started thinking .. reflecting and talking to God about my dreams again...
as i reflected back... i realised that God has been affirming my dreams... =)
ok.. in a way.. i dun really know what exactly my dreams are.. but i know that i wanna work with animals.. they really bring me alot of joy.. just looking at them... and i always wondered if God would grant me this dream since i cannot picture how working with animals would bring Him glory.. as compared to say being a missionary.. social worker and all...
and i guess it was precisely because of such thinking that i've always believed that God will NEVER grant me my dreams.....
but hey.. apparently.. this isn't so...
Entry into NUS (instead of Melbourne Uni) .. made me realised that my real interest isn't that much of stitching up animals.. cleaning their wounds.. vaccinating them .. etc.. He closed the door for Melbourne Uni and Vet science... and gave me Life Science in NUS instead... mind you.. He kept that door closed 3 times in 3 years... -bleahs-
Taking LSM 1103 Biodiversity made me fall in love with Biology... and i decided to change my concentration from Biomedical Sciences to Biology...
Working on UROPS.. "visitors effect on zoo animals" made me realised that i'm interested in how animals behave.... UROPS oral exam made me realised the existence of A/P Li Daiqin.. who specialises in Animal Behaviour ....
And lastly.. my final year project... a gift from God..
He closed the door for working with Dr. Peter Todd... animal and environment interaction...
out of the many people who approached A/P Li for honours project... i managed to get it..
even though i met up with him only 1 week after the exams, when many others had met up with him already...
even though i went into his office that day.. totally unprepared, having no idea what project i wanna proposed..
even though i didn't read up on the many articles that i was suppose to read up on...
and in the midst of my 'anyhow whack a project' he actually got interested in one of them....
do you see God's hand on all of these???
i didn't at first...
but i do now....
and such a revelation just takes my breath away... how amazing.. how sweet... how comforting... it is to know that God has been affirming my interest all these while.. how He led me onto the correct path without me even realising it....
and i guess like what Zhehao said yesterday during our group sharing.. "when you know that God gives you to green light to go ahead.. you can be assured and you'll have peace in your heart.. no matter what situations may come... "
yes.. i have peace... and full of excitement.. ! =)
"Lord, i offer my life"
it's a song that i love and hate at the same time...
that's why i wasn't very erms happy(?).. (dun reallie know what word to use to describe my feelings lah..) when i saw that it was one of the songs for singspiration yesterday.. i didn't wanna sing that song at all...
"wishes and dreams that are yet to come through" all to be offered and surrendered into the hands of God...
i didn't want to.. coz i dun want my dreams to be taken away...
but now.. finally.. i can sing this song with joy.. with thanksgiving... because i know and i trust that the dream that God has for me.. for my life is bigger.. greater... much more fulfilling than the dream that i have for myself.. that's He cares about my passions too.... =)
i know alot of uncertainties lies ahead of me.. but hey.. that's why i need to continue to cling on to God... and trust in His faithfulness and His plan for my life! =)
Thank You God... ! ! ! !
=) =) =) =) =)
Saturday, May 19, 2007

beautiful sunset that i captured at the track today... reallie wonderful to have such beautiful sunsets... it's a painting from God to me! =)

Friday, May 18, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
The things that need to be done
1 week of holidays gone! JUST LIKE THAT!!!
had a busy busy week ....
loads of stuffs to be done ... =(
in no particular order.. just typing whatever that comes to mind...
oh yah.. i've finally gotten my final year project! yay.. i'm gonna be in NUS for ANOTHER YEAR.. haha... ok.. not that bad.. given then i dun even know what i'm gonna do if i graduate... so staying around in school isn't that bad afterall.. heh heh...
eh.. gonna be working on spiders.. -ewwww- .. i hope i'll develop erms.. some liking for them soon... =...( i can't stand these creepy crawlies!!! ... oh well... spiders... eight legs.. many eyes... EWWWWWWWW~~~~~~~
things to be done!
1. FYP proposal...
2. Mission trip stuffs... prayer calendar... scripts for skit... blah blah blah
3. Plan for diving trip ! (interested pls let me know asap!!!! =) planning to go in august! )
4. catch up with my two gals...
5. Play games!! Jedi Knights!
6. Watch dvds!!!
7. Go donate blood!!!
8. Sleep!!! Sleep Sleep!!!
9. Plan for night cycling/ubin cycling..!
10. Meet up with my dearest Cedar gang!!! =)
11. learn to play guitaR! (hopefully i can learn another song at least.. haha.. though i still love chewy chewy.. hee hee )
so much stuffs to do !!
so little time!!!!
had a busy busy week ....
loads of stuffs to be done ... =(
in no particular order.. just typing whatever that comes to mind...
oh yah.. i've finally gotten my final year project! yay.. i'm gonna be in NUS for ANOTHER YEAR.. haha... ok.. not that bad.. given then i dun even know what i'm gonna do if i graduate... so staying around in school isn't that bad afterall.. heh heh...
eh.. gonna be working on spiders.. -ewwww- .. i hope i'll develop erms.. some liking for them soon... =...( i can't stand these creepy crawlies!!! ... oh well... spiders... eight legs.. many eyes... EWWWWWWWW~~~~~~~
things to be done!
1. FYP proposal...
2. Mission trip stuffs... prayer calendar... scripts for skit... blah blah blah
3. Plan for diving trip ! (interested pls let me know asap!!!! =) planning to go in august! )
4. catch up with my two gals...
5. Play games!! Jedi Knights!
6. Watch dvds!!!
7. Go donate blood!!!
8. Sleep!!! Sleep Sleep!!!
9. Plan for night cycling/ubin cycling..!
10. Meet up with my dearest Cedar gang!!! =)
11. learn to play guitaR! (hopefully i can learn another song at least.. haha.. though i still love chewy chewy.. hee hee )
so much stuffs to do !!
so little time!!!!
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Late night out @ geylang...
Late night out at geylang with hui'en.. diphom.. vivien.. dillon and weiyen mummie! .. haha.. crazy bunch of us were on our way home .. then reached Geylang.. weiyen's place.. and crazy dillon suggested eating beancurd... and the rest of us actually said ok! keeping in mind that we were suppose to catch bus at Bukit Timah.. and it was already 11:30pm... yups.. we're crazy...

the lousy blurry photo that diphom took for the three gals... -_-

diphom and hui'en .... see.. professional photo taken by me!

dillon and disciple! still a good photo.. coz taken by me! =P

two criminals spotted eating beancurd and you tiao @ Geylang at 11:45pm....

the disciple and the SM!
the day i finished exams...
3 May 2007 ... end of exams!! wooSh.. haha... went out with church ppl to celebrate after our last paper.. heh heh... guess what we did... a bunch of 20+ year olds.... went to pet safari @ vivo... then.. went to ARCADE! hahaha.. it's been ages since i last stepped into arcade lah!!

after catching spiderman 3.. went for yummie dinner... yummie food.. =)

see! diphom was so SATISFIED......
Mugging in school
Photos taken while mugging for the exams.. haha...

the gloomy staircase up to the muggerland @ Science Library...

the same sunset...

trying to be creative... haha... =P

courtesy of weiye when i was going crazy over free radicals... haha.. can't reallie see clearly lah.. it's an ugly stick gal pulling hair till hair drop.. -_-
Saturday, May 05, 2007
~Cleaning up my room~
haha.. i decided to clear up my room slightly today... so horrible.. i think i almost died of lung failure.. muahahah... not my fault.. somehow my room gathers dust like super easily... -sighs-
ok.. see.. now the cupboard is quite empty.. used to be filled with stuff toys... haha... nice! =)
and so.. i decided to put some books on the shelf.. haha... and my poor remaining stuff toys are living in squatter settlement.. like stuffed together... ooPs... ok lah.. at least they're better off than those who went into the storeroom le... heh heh...
ok.. so now my room is like erms... 1/5 cleaned... i cleared my desk too! and i washed all my stationery! and i washed my deuter bag!! wow... i feel so super clean now... ok wait.. i'm dirty now coz of all the dust on me.. but my stuffs are clean... and i'm gonna shower now.. then i'll be clean! wOOsH~ ...
ok.. that's it.. stop laughing at me liaos... BAHS!
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
If u consume too much carrots....
ok.. i'm bored.. i should be mugging..
anyways.. i really like Dr. Jenner! haha.. lecturer for Free radicals......
coz... he's friendly... and he uses cute stuffs on his lecture notes...
provide entertainment for muggers like me... heh heh...
do u know what happens when u consume too much carrots...papaya.. etc.. i.e. overdose of beta carotene??? haha...
u turn into orange face!! haha.. i got this from the lecture notes ok.. dun say that i'm lame... muahaha...
eh.. this phenomenon occurs because beta carotene is fat soluble and hence accumulates in FATS... which is just beneath the surface of the skin....
ok... fact for the day is over for now...
back to mugging...
will post more if i see find more interesting facts.... and pictures... haha...